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Security Assessing and Hardening

Do you need to ensure your network, endpoints, and security devices are secure? Simply installing antivirus software isn’t enough. You must take proactive steps to prevent hackers from accessing your systems.

Our team can help you implement security frameworks like CIS Top 18 and NIST CSF, identifying and implementing the necessary measures to strengthen your devices’ security. Whether you use Windows servers, Windows clients, Linux servers, or all three, we’ve got you covered.

We’ll work with you to implement the CIS Top 18 Controls, which enable you to take control of your hardware and software assets, set up network logging and analysis, review your malware defenses, and improve data protection and boundary defense, among other things. With our help, you can rest assured that your systems are as secure as possible.

Cyber Security Services

Get your free Security Assessment
By completing the assessment, we can gain a better understanding of your cybersecurity strengths and weaknesses, and we can work with you to give recommendations for improving their security posture.
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Incident Response

At Intricate Security, we believe that a well-structured and robust incident response plan is the best defense against cyber threats. Our experienced team can help your credit union or financial institution prepare for, respond to, and recover from cybersecurity incidents. Here’s how we approach Incident Response:

Preparation is Key

Our expert team will work with you to:

  • Establish an Incident Response Team and outline their roles and responsibilities.
  • Develop a comprehensive incident response plan.
  • Identify and manage critical assets.
  • Establish clear internal and external communication channels.
  • Implement robust data backup and recovery procedures.
  • Assess the effectiveness of your current security tools and technologies.
  • Understand your compliance obligations and ensure that your incident response plan meets these standards.

Rapid Identification

Speed is crucial when responding to a cybersecurity incident. Our team will help you:

  • Recognize signs of a potential incident.
  • Determine the severity and potential impact of incidents.
  • Identify the systems, data, and processes at risk.

Swift Containment

Our goal is to minimize the damage and preserve the evidence. We will work with you to:

  • Determine the most effective containment strategy.
  • Isolate affected systems to prevent further damage.
  • Implement short-term fixes.

Effective Eradication

We don’t just stop the threat; we remove it. Our team will help you:

  • Identify and remove malicious elements from your systems.
  • Validate the security of your systems before reinstating them.
  • Analyze the root cause and devise a strategy to prevent recurrence.

System Recovery

After an incident, we ensure that business operations return to normal as quickly and smoothly as possible. We assist with:

  • Restoring and validating systems from clean backups.
  • Monitoring systems for any signs of threat recurrence.
  • Communicating effectively with all stakeholders during recovery.

Learning from Incidents

Every incident is an opportunity to learn and improve. We will work with you to:

  • Conduct a thorough post-incident review.
  • Identify process improvements and update your incident response plan accordingly.
  • Incorporate lessons learned into staff training programs.

Trust Intricate Security. to provide robust incident response services tailored to the needs of your financial institution. Together, we can minimize the impact of cyber threats and build a resilient, secure environment for your business operations.

Read our article “How to handle an Incident Response

Continuous Monitoring

Cybercriminals are a constant threat to businesses, big and small. Continuous network monitoring is essential to detect potential security breaches. Even with top-of-the-line security solutions, failures can happen, so staying informed is crucial.

Many products promise to provide threat protection, but they generate a huge volume of data. Without trained security experts to analyze the data, important issues can be overlooked. At our company, we offer experience and expertise to sift through the vast amounts of data generated by your systems and identify any potential security breaches.

If you’re not already set up to monitor logs, we can help. Our team will assist you in setting up a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system to collect logs from your endpoints, firewalls, and EDR systems. This proactive approach enables us to identify potential security breaches before they become serious problems, keeping your business secure.

 Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Scanning

Hackers are constantly looking for vulnerabilities to exploit, and it’s not a matter of if but when your company will be targeted. That’s
why regular penetration testing is crucial. At Intricate Security, we provide a variety of tests, including web application testing, internal
and external network testing, API testing, and mobile app testing. 

Real-world testing is essential for evaluating the security of your network or application. While it may seem counterintuitive, the goal of a penetration test is to see if your system can be breached and how it could be done. Our team of experts can perform a thorough penetration test and provide a detailed report of our findings, including how we did it and recommendations for improving your security.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact Intricate Security today to schedule your penetration test and ensure your systems are as secure as

Read our article “What to expect with a Penetration Test