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Threat Intelligence

Understanding the different levels of threat intelligence

Introduction Understanding the different types of threat intelligence levels is important when discussing the advancement of any organization. It’s more than just collecting and compiling data. The purpose of threat intelligence is to use analytical methods and indicators to detect threats and vulnerabilities, then give advice on how to handle them. Strategic threat intelligence Tactical… Read More »Understanding the different levels of threat intelligence

How to handle an Incident Response

Effective Strategies to Handle an Incident Response with Confidence Introduction: Handling an incident response effectively is crucial for mitigating cybersecurity threats promptly. Discover essential steps to create a comprehensive plan, establish a capable team, develop a detailed timeline, and provide thorough training to handle incidents with confidence.   Prepare for the worst: Handling an Incident Response… Read More »How to handle an Incident Response

security plan

Building a Cyber Security Plan should not be hard

Let’s be honest, unless you are hired to be a Security Officer for a company, creating a cyber security plan is not your main priority. Well, in this day in age, I would rethink your strategy and embrace cyber security as a common practice for any business, small or large.

All your Base64 are belong to us

As a security professional, I find myself doing more malware removal from websites that are run using either WordPress, Joomla or Drupal. Most of what I find are php files that are riddled with base64 code. This code is great for threat actors to hide their invasive malware from malware scanners. I want to show you how to find this code and show what is hidden in your php files.